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Small Business Marketing

New Developments In Printing Labels On Bottles

Printing labels on bottles has changed little down through the years. Even though we still print labels the old-fashioned way, we’re keeping a watchful eye on new technologies to adopt during the years ahead. If these new options prove themselves under testing and use, they will become a game-changer for the beverage industry and the …

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8 Budget-Friendly Ideas for Awesome Nonprofit Fundraisers

Nonprofits aren’t in the business of making money. After all, they’re founded to help others. Yet every non-profit needs to have enough funds to fulfill its mission. What they need are budget-friendly nonprofit fundraisers. Here are 8 ideas for fundraising that will help nonprofits rake in the donations. Charity Fundraisers That Cost Next to Nothing …

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Custom Labels For Bottles Of Juice: How To Use Design Effectively

To say the juice industry is competitive is an understatement. To create the one juice label that consumers will reach for takes a well-thought-out strategy. When designing custom labels for bottles of juice, manufacturers need to hit five key notes for success: Beverage Labels: Key Ingredients for Success Showcase the featured fruits on the beverage …

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How to Create Effective Custom Cosmetic Packaging

Custom cosmetic packaging has become a key differentiator in the cosmetic industry as new, independent brands seek to disrupt the one-time staid industry. Nowhere is that more evident than in the lineup for the fifth annual Indie Beauty Expo, coming up this week in New York City. Upstart brands from five continents plan to showcase …

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The Importance of Color Psychology in Product Printing Design

Whether it’s a distinctive logo or a product label, color plays a huge role in product printing design. It’s no wonder. Psychologists have long researched the impact color makes on human emotions, and have discovered that it makes a major impact on customers’ buying decisions. Companies who put these researchers’ insights into color theory to …

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How to Design Labels that Maximize Sales

In the second decade of the 21st century, labels must not only function, but they must dazzle on social media, cut through all the shelf space noise, and provide an easy way to track the product from the manufacturer to the consumer. To ensure that a label boosts its brand’s return on investment (ROI), its …

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How Customized Wine Labels Design Determines Sales

Wine bottle label design is one of the most important factors determining how consumers choose wines. Research indicates that 71% of U.S. wine consumers select a wine based on its label. Also, most wine advertising happens “on the shelf” rather than via traditional advertising methods, such as television commercials or magazine ads. With almost 9,000 …

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Custom Made Signs And Sign Installation

Although “custom made signs” can refer to many different types of signage, this article focuses on the installation and materials used to create different types of shop signs (such as business hours signs). Materials Used for Shop Signs Most business owners who need a store hours sign want a material that is durable and will …

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How To Overcome Adversity In Business – 5 Tips That Make A Difference

Anyone who is a successful entrepreneur will tell you that the skill of overcoming adversity is one that is learned early on. Invariably, there will be business challenges to face within the first year of starting a new business. Obstacles need to be overcome to get to the next level of success, and learning the …

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Decals for Store Window Display

Many business owners don’t take full advantage of everything they can do with the windows of their retail stores. A retail store window display is a prime place to communicate with customers—even when the store is closed. Custom decal printing is an affordable way to jazz up shop windows, floors, doors, and walls. How Do …

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