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Small Business Marketing

How Businesses Build Brand Awareness by Using Stickers

Using stickers to build brand awareness works at all levels, even among high school students. Marketing website tells the story of one enterprising high school student who promoted his brand by handing out stickers. The report tells about a student who brought a stack of happy face stickers to his high school. He gave …

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Reddit Founder’s Secret For Success? Custom Sticker Printing

How Reddit Marketed The Company With Stickers In an article in Fast Company, Alexis Ohanian, the cofounder of web content and online community provider Reddit, shares his secret for marketing success. Surprisingly, it’s not search engine marketing nor another high-tech solution that helped Ohanian and Steve Huffman, Reddit’s other cofounder, promote their company.  So what …

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Creative Business Marketing Strategy Case Study

One of the most creative marketers in Ohio isn’t the CEO of a high-powered marketing agency. Rather, he is the third-generation CEO of a Cleveland-area candy company, Malley’s Chocolates. Meet Dan Malley, whose creative marketing strategy and innovative marketing tactics include a bumper sticker campaign that does not only promote his growing chain of 17 …

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Marketing A Business Through Packaging

At a recent festival, a fruit juice dealer tried to showcase his berry juice, albeit with poor results. One might wonder why. The product, from all reports, was tasty, sweet, and full of fresh fruit flavor. Unfortunately, that fruit juice manufacturer seemed to have little awareness of good promotional strategies. Here’s why marketing a business …

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Marketing Your Brand For Valentine’s Day

Many businesses give client gifts during the winter holiday season. With all of the gifts pouring in, though, it is hard to keep track of who gave what. If client gifts are given on a different holiday, however, the gift may be more memorable. How about Valentine’s Day? Marketing your brand for Valentines day doesn’t …

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Leveraging Partnerships to Promote Your Small Business, Pt. 2

Marketing a small business doesn’t have to be such a chore. There are fun ways to do such things. Here is part two of “Leveraging Partnerships to Promote Your Small Business.” But if you haven’t done so, please read part one of how to how to leverage partnerships for your business. The Process of Elimination …

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How To Leverage Partnerships to Promote A Small Business, Pt. 1

Stumped for ideas to promote a small business? Perhaps it is time for a meeting of the minds. Thought of working with another business in the area for a joint venture? Collaboration with other businesses can be a low-cost, high-return way to create relationships with other businesses while promoting the business. To get the most …

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6 Mobile Marketing Tips For Small Businesses

There are now billions of smartphones in the world, and with the vast majority of them are connected to the internet, this represents an increasingly popular way of accessing any website. Pretty soon, mobile will become the number one way for customers to connect to a business online, so make sure to keep up-to-date. Here …

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10 Tips to Improve Your Small Business Promotion During Slowdowns

If the business has just hit one of the dreaded slow times that no business owner enjoys, then anyone might feel a bit down in the dumps and wondering what to do next. It is at this time that small business promotion might feel most challenging. Hey, it’s not all doom and gloom. This could …

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Label Branding Strategies

Label branding strategies are central to any successful business that offers products and services to the consumer. From online advertisements to product labels, flyers to emails, branding is every way in which a company communicates with its customers. A great brand strategy is what separates the amazing brands from the average brands, and to create …

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