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Small Business Marketing

Low Cost Branding Ideas For Startups

Perhaps the biggest challenge for a startup is to stand out among all its competitors. To do so, a startup must brand itself effectively. It must create an indelible image for itself that sticks in the minds of potential customers. Yet most startups are strapped for money. The cost of a branding agency is way out …

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3 Risky Marketing Mistakes Social Entrepreneurs Must Avoid

Though social enterprise brings both profit and a greater good for society, it isn’t an easy job to juggle the two-pronged approach to business. Here are three suggestions that can help a social enterprise avoid the pitfalls that have thrown other social companies off track and better promote its work. We will go into marketing …

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Keeping Company Branding Efforts Consistent to Profit

What is the importance of keeping company branding efforts consistent to profit? When a kid goes to the store to buy a Coke, she looks for the familiar red-and-white logo on the package. What would happen, though, if Coke changed its label? After hunting through all the bottles and cans in the soda display with …

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The 90/10 Rule for Successful Online Marketing

Too many businesses smack readers in the face with their pumped-up sales approach online. Such an approach turns off more potential customers than the business may realize. Potential customers don’t often tell businesses why they left: they simply click “unsubscribe” at the bottom of the newsletter or unfollow the business on social media. Successful online …

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How to Market A New Business

One thing that’s true of most small startups: they don’t have a huge cash flow to pay for a massive marketing campaign. Unless a business receives funds from an angel investor or Daddy’s trust fund, it’s on its own to find a savvy marketing scheme that will bring in the customers. Here’s how a new …

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3 Social Media Branding Mistakes Businesses Must Avoid

When it comes to social media branding, a business wants to brand itself so that it sticks in the minds of its current and potential customers alike. So, the business creates several social media accounts and starts to post like crazy. Yet there’s something missing. The company doesn’t get the social media love nor the …

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Companies Who Position Their Brand Gain a Competitive Edge

In her March 1, 2017 blog post, Brand Academy founder Marcia Hoeck shares how companies can gain an edge over their competition through proper positioning. To position a brand, a company must influence its potential customers’ perception to such an extent that it forms a clear picture of that brand’s prominence in the field. According …

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How to Market a Small Business for Less

Especially in its formative days, a small business needs to find low cost marketing ideas to keep its head above water. Yet should it scrimp on its marketing efforts, too? Successful entrepreneur and small business expert Susan Solovic, whose book made it on the New York Times bestseller list, says “no.” There’s a better way, …

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Low-Cost Marketing Tips for Startups

When a person starts up a new business, every penny counts. Of course, the business needs to promote itself to attract customers but often lacks the funds to pay for advertising in traditional media. In a 2011 article by Huffington Post’s Kim Bhasin, American Express lends a helping hand to startups with a list of …

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How To Merchandise A Store And How Labels Can Help

Smart labeling can attract customers’ attention to sale merchandise that a high-end business wants to promote without a lot of extra time spent on merchandising. So how does one merchandise a store? Suppose a high-end company that sells clothing wants to hold a clearance sale on seasonal clothing. That company wants to attract customers on …

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