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Why Should You Promote Your Brand Offline?

promote-your-brandGood question!  You might think it’s cheaper to promote your brand online using social media until doing facebook and twitter ads, banners and pay per click ads, the costs can raise up considerably. Compare this with spending a couple of pennies each on labels and stickers with the website name printed on them that can be handed out at a heavily trafficked area, or at fairs, trade shows and business expos, Have event coordinators include the stickers in goodie bags that they hand out to attendees.  If in retail, consider putting stickers in the customers shopping bags that say “like us on facebook, follow us on twitter”.

Label printing has so many different virtues it is difficult to know where to begin. Versatile to meet the branding requirements of any business, labels and similar offline promotional materials offer so many different creative options and uses to help a company stand out and promote both business and brand.

Don’t Forget Offline Promotion!

The internet has been the dominant platform for marketing and advertising for a fair while now. Online promotional marketing allows companies to reach a targeted audience, and with the right SEO service this can be quite cost-effective.

Despite the benefits of online marketing, businesses would do well not to forget just how beneficial offline promotion can be. After all, many of the largest and most successful businesses in America became what they are today without using the internet.

Promoting A Brand Offline: The Benefits

So exactly what advantages does offline promotion hold over online promotion? One advantage is the impact that physical promotion has on the customer. When promoting brand awareness offline with promotional mediums like labels and stickers, the brand is offering something that the customer can actually hold in their hands – something which is interesting, special and unique.

The internet is the place where businesses conduct most of their marketing, but there is still a huge section of the demographic that remains mostly offline. As such, if promoting the brand offline, this action would be reaching a much wider range of people than what can be achieved by sticking to online marketing. The extent to which the company is able to capitalize on this advantage depends on the nature of the business, but with offline brand promotion, every business will reach a wider range of people.

Offline and Online Retailers Can Both Benefit

It is obvious that some types of business will benefit more from offline brand promotion than others. Retailers are one type of business that really stand to benefit, as they are able to spread their branding and their message with every item they sell. Online businesses also benefit greatly when they promote their brand offline by sending labels and stickers with each order, not least because this is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to promote their brand out in the real world. We have several clients that do this, and their customers love the stickers.

Printing Services Should Be Flexible

In addition to the type of business, when promoting the brand offline, the return  on the investment will depend on the amount of thought and effort put into the labels, stickers and other promotional materials.

The success of offline promotion also rests with the printing label company. What is needed is a company that is flexible enough to accommodate specific needs. If there is a great design that you want to print, a good label printing service should not present any limitations or restrictions for the shape, design and coloring. With the right service you can let creativity flow and benefit from labels and stickers that look exactly as you want them to.

Great experience- quick, efficient and delivered on the product they promised!

Alessandro Gherardi Avatar Alessandro Gherardi
March 6, 2025

Quick turnaround! High quality printing! Thank you!

Anthony Trani Avatar Anthony Trani
March 6, 2025

Big THANK YOU to Nova Custom Label! They really are life savers and were able to get some amazing floor decals done in an incredibly short amount of time for an event I just put together. They turned out amazing. Truly cannot recommend them enough!

Olivia Backenstrass Avatar Olivia Backenstrass
March 1, 2025