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How Restaurant Stickers for Takeout Orders and Delivery Can Build Your Business

restaurant stickers for takeoutRestaurant stickers for takeout orders and delivery can serve as a visible symbol of a restaurant’s brand in a variety of ways. When a restaurant puts its customers first, it can turn even practical items, into a subtle form of content marketing.

Today’s customers want an incredible experience and helpful information from the brands it does business with. Restaurant stickers for takeout orders and delivery can do both.

Use Food Label Stickers to Inform

Many customers, particularly after coming off shelter-at-home orders during the coronavirus pandemic, have discovered to their chagrin that they’ve put on more than a few pounds. Food label stickers that list the approximate calories in their dishes will find that their customers are more than grateful for the information.

  • Nutrition information: Restaurant stickers for takeout orders and delivery with general nutrition information on them can help a restaurant’s customers plan their daily nutrient intake, as well as their calorie load for the day. Rather than having to look up what they just ordered on Google, they’ll have the information close at hand on the food label stickers.
  • Contact information: Of course, the food they will order will be to die for! But if they don’t have the restaurant’s contact information, they might not remember just who delivered that luscious Pad Thai or those killer burritos. With the restaurant’s phone number, hours of service, email address, website and other online platforms, address and various locations printed on food label stickers, they can remove the sticker and place it on a card or refrigerator magnet for a quick reminder.
  • Preparation date and time: Take a cue from fast-food restaurants and put the food’s preparation date and time on the restaurant stickers for takeout orders and delivery. Most restaurants are used to having people sit down to meals. Only a few take leftovers home after eating out. But habits have changed. Many people prefer to eat at home now – and will usually want to keep their leftovers for the next day’s meals. Adding the food’s preparation time and date will allow them to see by what date they need to finish the food by, keeping them safe from the risks from spoilage.
  • Label each dish or order by its contents. People that order food for larger families or groups need to know which dish goes to which person or group. When each order or dish lists what’s inside, it makes distributing the food easier once the customer goes home. It also makes it easier for third-party delivery services, such as DoorDash and Uber Eats drivers, to check each order without peeping inside.

Use Takeout Labels for Safety

tamper proof stickersIt shouldn’t be an issue – but we live in a dangerous world. Especially when it comes to delivery orders, you want to have the ultimate degree of trust in the person who delivers your food. Unfortunately, any of us who have ever driven for one of the “gig” companies know that screening isn’t exactly their strong suit, so tamper proof stickers are always a great thing.

With stickers to close every bag, every box, every package, you have tamper-evident seals that will give customers peace of mind. It’s hard to remove a sticker and put it back without some evidence. With stickers, drivers will be less likely to snitch food from a stickered restaurant bag and will wait for an order from a restaurant that doesn’t use stickers for safety.

Use Food Sticker Labels for Brand Awareness

Make sure that the branding elements (the restaurant’s logo, colors, font, and tone) on the food sticker labels are the same as those used at the restaurant. These subtle touches create a lasting impression in a customer’s mind. A label printer’s design team can easily duplicate or create these from a photo, website, or a sample menu. A cohesive appearance can make the difference between a memorable experience and just another takeout joint. In fact, with the right packaging, you can build excitement even before the customer opens the package. Just like fabulous plating for sit-down meals, presentation counts in takeout and delivery, too – especially when you’re competing with so many restaurants for their business.

But don’t just believe us. The numbers tell the story. An Oberlo report points out that using a restaurant’s signature colors can boost revenue by as much as 80 percent. When you keep the restaurant’s food sticker labels consistent with the rest of its branding, it can increase revenue by up to 33 percent. Visuals matter – especially for most of the population who tend to learn visually.

Leverage Word-of-Mouth Advertising with Stickers

Restaurants might even want to consider tossing a few extra branded food label stickers into each bag. If the customers love their meal, they might want to hand out some of your stickers for their friends and family. There’s nothing like word-of-mouth advertising with visual aids to spread the word. Studies show that 92% of consumers believe their friends’ and families’ recommendations more than even the most effective ads – including those TV restaurant commercials that make you want to drool!

The more people that keep those stickers on their refrigerator doors, their office computers, or on a card in their file, the more that they’ll turn to your restaurant when they want a quick lunch or the perfect meal for a date night at home. When it comes to food labels, it pays to have plenty on hand.

food safety stickers

Here at Nova Custom Label Printing, our design team can create food safety stickers and the kind of magic your restaurant needs to inform your customers, keep them safe, differentiate its brand, and encourage repurchases and word-of-mouth recommendations. And – we can deliver them to your restaurant fast. No matter what else is going on in the world. We work with a variety of world-class facilities to get labels to our clients in record time. That includes creating the elegant, upscale look of custom foil labels that can make food packaging stand out.

To get our design team on your restaurant’s corner, it only takes a quick email or phone call. Get started on ramping up your restaurant’s takeout and delivery order business. Get in touch with us today!

Great experience- quick, efficient and delivered on the product they promised!

Alessandro Gherardi Avatar Alessandro Gherardi
March 6, 2025

Quick turnaround! High quality printing! Thank you!

Anthony Trani Avatar Anthony Trani
March 6, 2025

Big THANK YOU to Nova Custom Label! They really are life savers and were able to get some amazing floor decals done in an incredibly short amount of time for an event I just put together. They turned out amazing. Truly cannot recommend them enough!

Olivia Backenstrass Avatar Olivia Backenstrass
March 1, 2025