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6 Tips for Starting a CBD Oil Business

Starting a CBD oil business

Why should you consider starting a white label CBD oil business? Unless you’ve been out of touch with the rest of the world for a while, CBD oil has virtually revolutionized the natural healthcare and cosmetics industries.

Chances are you’ve probably had more than a few conversations with your friends and colleagues about what CBD oil has done for them. Maybe you’ve been skeptical, but even the medical community has started to come around regarding the health and beauty benefits of this cannabis derivative.

According to Medical News Today, when manufacturers extract CBD from the hemp plant and combine it with a “carrier oil,” such as coconut or hemp oil, the resulting product can ease inflammation from eczema, psoriasis, and even acne. Studies show that the oil can prove equally effective in easing pain and anxiety from cancer, arthritis, and some neurological conditions.

So, starting a CBD oil business not only has the potential to help people look and feel their best, but it also has tremendous potential for generating profits. For that reason, it’s an excellent choice for a new business or for a product to add to an existing company’s products.

Before starting a CBD oil business, though, you need to prepare yourself to avoid any roadblocks later on. Here are six tips that have helped CBD oil sellers all over the country.

1. Know the Law

State laws regarding CBD and businesses that sell it vary across the US. It’s always a prudent idea to check your state’s laws with a knowledgeable attorney before you begin the planning process.

2. Consider CBD White Label Companies as Your Supplier

Maybe you don’t have a lot of cash to start a business or the acreage and equipment to raise and process your own hemp. Don’t give up on your dream. A white label arrangement with an existing CBD oil manufacturer might be the answer.

Some CBD oil processing companies help new businesses get off to a great start by providing them with ready-made CBD oil products. These CBD white label companies send their customers unlabeled products, allowing the customers to sell them under their own brand names.

Working with CBD white label companies allows you to create your own brand identity and marketing materials that reflect your brand without the massive outlay of money you’d need if you started from scratch.

3. Make a Plan for Your CBD Home Business

A successful business starts with a clear business plan. Your CBD home business will come together more quickly – with less hassle – when you take the time to plan.

  • Calculate the cost: Are you planning to raise your own hemp? If so, you’ll need to figure out all the costs of planting, raising, and harvesting your crop, as well as extracting the CBD and blending it with your carrier oil. Don’t forget to add in the costs of marketing your products. Or, do you plan to enter into a white label partnership for your CBD home business? If that’s the case, you’ll need to compute how much your printer will charge for printing your custom printed CBD labels in addition to the cost of your products.
  • Identify your target market: What types of people will likely buy your CBD home business’s products? Are you targeting people with medical needs, cosmetic concerns, or both? Knowing your likely customers can help you focus your marketing budget on them rather than wasting it on people who will never buy.
  • Decide on a business name: Your business name should reflect both your products and your company culture. Including your products in your URL can also give you an edge in online searches. Then, brainstorm logos, branded print materials, content, and other promotional materials that build brand awareness and set your business apart from your competitors.
  • Create a pricing structure: After you’ve calculated all your operational costs, look at competitor sites to see if you can come up with a pricing model that will cover your expenses, generate a profit, and remain competitive in the market.
4. Make Sure Your CBD Business Passes Legal Muster

After you have a solid business plan, it’s time to put it into action. Research your chosen CBD business name and register it with your local authorities. Similarly, you’ll need to register any trademarks you’ll need.

Consult your attorney to see what business structure would work best for your business. Many new companies structure their companies as LLCs, for instance, to avoid personal lawsuits for business liabilities.

Don’t forget to register your business for state, federal, and local taxes before you open your doors. You’ll likely need an employer identification number (EIN) if you plan on hiring employees or contract workers.

Applying for an EIN is free, and you can apply online on the IRS website. You’ll get your number immediately if you fill in the paperwork for your CBD business online.

Even if you’re using a white label CBD oil supplier instead of manufacturing your products yourself, it pays to get your new business its own bank account and credit card. That way, you’ll make your accounting process easier and avoid the kinds of legal hassles that can arise if you mix your personal and business accounts. And, if you need to apply for a business loan, having separate finances makes the process go more smoothly.

Be sure to get all the necessary permits and licensing before you open. Since you’re selling products, you’ll need to know your state’s laws about collecting sales taxes for your white label CBD oil products.

If you plan to sell your white label CBD products out of a brick-and-mortar location, you’ll probably need to obtain a certificate of occupancy that lets customers know that the building has met all your city’s building codes and zoning laws.

5. Get Insurance for Your White Label CBD Business

Before you open your doors or start offering white label products online, be sure to contact your insurance provider to get general liability insurance for your business. If you’ll hire employees, you’ll also need workers’ compensation insurance.

Even though you’re selling white label CBD oil that another business makes, a court still might find you liable in case of a lawsuit. Don’t take a chance with your business. Get the proper insurance coverage before you start selling.

6. Promote Your White Label CBD Oil Brand with Effective Marketing

Don’t wait to market your white label CBD brand until you open your doors. Prepare the way with effective content marketing, social media posts, and website content.

Blog posts that teach your target customers how to get the most out of their CBD oil purchase, social media posts that answer common questions about CBD, and informative content on your website can help build buzz even before you open your doors.

Be sure to brand your CBD products with effective labeling. When you’re selling white label CBD, you’ll want to create custom labels that entice customers to purchase your products.

And, if you’re going for the environmentally conscious market, be sure to ensure that your labels are compostable and biodegradable. You’ll delight your customers and have peace of mind, knowing that you’ve done your part to keep our planet cleaner and greener.

After starting a CBD oil business, it will be time to partner with a printing company. Make sure you choose a printer that has experience in the industry to avoid possible pitfalls. With experience in crafting effective labels specifically for CBD products and a passion for a better environment, Nova custom printing can help. Feel free to call or email us today for custom price quotes.

Great experience- quick, efficient and delivered on the product they promised!

Alessandro Gherardi Avatar Alessandro Gherardi
March 6, 2025

Quick turnaround! High quality printing! Thank you!

Anthony Trani Avatar Anthony Trani
March 6, 2025

Big THANK YOU to Nova Custom Label! They really are life savers and were able to get some amazing floor decals done in an incredibly short amount of time for an event I just put together. They turned out amazing. Truly cannot recommend them enough!

Olivia Backenstrass Avatar Olivia Backenstrass
March 1, 2025