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Label Branding Strategies

branding strategiesLabel branding strategies are central to any successful business that offers products and services to the consumer. From online advertisements to product labels, flyers to emails, branding is every way in which a company communicates with its customers. A great brand strategy is what separates the amazing brands from the average brands, and to create a great strategy, really pay attention and focus efforts.

Always think branding strategy

You might be thinking, “we don’t have a branding strategy” because  the company is small or new, but this doesn’t mean that the company can’t benefit highly from taking lessons from the pros. You might not think that the company is into branding, but if designing custom printed labels for company products and services, then start taking branding seriously and consider yourself a branding professional.

Things to keep in mind when printing labels

There are lots of things to think about when printing labels, and the more care and consideration given, the better. The labels should align neatly with the other aspects of the company’s branding agenda, so think about the shape of the labels, the colors, the fonts and the styles of artwork – do they match what the company wants to convey? Are they consistent with the branding? Consistency is the champion of any good branding strategy.

Think about what label content would best reflect the products the company  is selling. Then test this out with a small group of friends, family or customers. See what they think. The big boys have focus groups, and so can a small company, with a bit of planning and creativity. Offer a small discount in exchange for feedback from customers on several designs. Then show them  the ideas and let them pick which one they like the best. Compare each customers opinion and come to a consensus. One doesn’t have to spend as much as a major corporation to have a focus group.

Think ahead to the future

There is a term used in label branding strategies called the ‘short-term trap’. This is where businesses get caught up in the short-term things that drive the business forward. When it comes to building a successful brand, be looking ahead to the medium- and long-term, because failing to look ahead to the future is a fast way to kill the brand. This is relevant for all aspects of label branding strategies, including advertising and printing. When designing labels, think how these labels would fit in with any possible future developments with the  company, and whether they would be appropriate.

Short on ideas? Look at competitor products

Every major brand on Earth keeps watch on its competitors, to see what new things are being brought to the table and how value is being given to the customer. Competitors are vying for the same sort of customers, and so it does well for competing businesses to see which branding ideas are working and which ideas are not working. Take the good ideas from others and incorporate them into the business by fitting the ideas to what the business is all about.

The power of unique label branding strategies

So it is a good thing to check with competitors before designing a product label, especially if there is not much of an idea to start with, making sure that the design ideas are suitable for the target customers. But always remember: it is very powerful to have a unique brand. A unique brand makes the company distinct and much more easily identifiable to the customer. It is often better to take a risk in a completely original and unique product design, rather than have something that looks a little too similar to competitors. So when approaching labels, give it some imaginative thinking, and try to do a little something that may be unexpected.



Great experience- quick, efficient and delivered on the product they promised!

Alessandro Gherardi Avatar Alessandro Gherardi
March 6, 2025

Quick turnaround! High quality printing! Thank you!

Anthony Trani Avatar Anthony Trani
March 6, 2025

Big THANK YOU to Nova Custom Label! They really are life savers and were able to get some amazing floor decals done in an incredibly short amount of time for an event I just put together. They turned out amazing. Truly cannot recommend them enough!

Olivia Backenstrass Avatar Olivia Backenstrass
March 1, 2025